Art Wiki

Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)

by Nayvie Dizon on Feb 21, 2023

Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)

Titian, who lived around the late 15th and early 16th centuries, was one of the most influential painters in Italy. His works combine a mastery of technique with an ability to achieve illusionary space through light and color. He was also intruiged by theatrical exhibitions and religious themes that characterize his work. 
Born in Pieve di Cadore, a small town at the foot of the Dolomites on the Venetian side of the Alps. When he was about ten years old, Titian arrived in Venice, then one of the wealthiest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world. He started his artistic training in the workshop of the mosaicist Sebastiano Zuccato. He later briefly joined Gentile Bellini's workshop. After Gentile died in 1507, Titian joined the workshop of Gentile's brother, Giovanni Bellini (1421/23–1516), who was considered then to be one of history's greatest painters.

Top 10 Amazing Artwork of Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)

1. A Knight of Malta

2. Aldobrandini Madonna

3. Annunciation

4. Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle

5. Apostles group

6. Assumption Assunta

7. Assumption the high altar of Sta. Maria Gloriosadei Frariin Venice

8. Bacchanal

9. Bacchanal of the Andrians detail

10. Bacchus and Ariadne





